Quality Processing & Conveying Equipment

At KWS, we understand the importance of providing high quality products and services to our Customers. We listen to your comments every day and make the changes necessary to exceed your requirements and expectations. We use your feedback to make product and process improvements. Our Customers provide guidance and help us manage our business!
What is ISO 9001:2015?
ISO stands for International Organization for Standardization. ISO 9001:2015 is a series of standards utilized by manufacturing companies in multiple industries as a tool for continually improving their product quality, process control, supplier control and effectiveness of leadership.
ISO 9001:2015Certification

What does it mean to be ISO 9001:2015 certified?
A company that is ISO 9001:2015 certified meets or exceeds the rigid requirements of the ISO standards. Every department or phase of a company’s operations that is ISO certified must meet specific guidelines for quality. Parts and assemblies are manufactured in accordance with written procedures and inspected during every phase of the process to ensure consistency and quality.
Services are also performed in accordance with written procedures and checked at various points throughout the process. Discrepancies are addressed immediately and action taken to correct and prevent future problems. Customer feedback is solicited and received on a daily basis and used to make improvements.
What does the Customer get from an ISO 9001:2015 certified company?

The continuous pursuit of redefining processes and procedures gained through feedback driven corrective actions and continuous improvements ultimately leads to unparalleled Consistent Quality. Customers can be confident that the products and services they receive from an ISO 9001:2015 certified company are the best in the industry.
KWS is ISO 9001:2015 certified in our Sales, Engineering and Manufacturing processes. We are the only company in our industry that is ISO 9001:2015 certified in all major processes. At KWS, we are totally committed to Customer satisfaction and continual improvement of our processes.
We want your input! Please fill out the Customer Feedback Form or the Design Validation Form and let us know your comments. So far, we have used this information to make hundreds of improvements at KWS. Please help us continue to improve!