Engineering Guides
Step-by-step instructions to help you select the proper equipment for your process.
Engineered Screw Conveyors & CEMA Standard Screw Conveyor Parts
From CEMA standard components to complete systems, you can rely on KWS to exceed your expectations. As the industry leading screw conveyor manufacturer, KWS designs and manufactures conveying equipment for every bulk material handling application.
Working closely with our customers, we provide cost-effective solutions to bulk material handling applications for many markets and industries. Our large number of repeat customers shows our commitment to customer satisfaction. Our quality system ensures that your conveying equipment is designed and manufactured to rigid specifications and validated by exceeding performance expectations.
Shafted screw conveyors are used in thousands of industrial applications every day for efficiently conveying a variety of bulk materials. A shafted screw conveyor's main function is to transfer bulk materials from one process to another. Shafted screw conveyors are very cost-effective and require minimal maintenance to operate.
Learn MoreOur shaftless design provides a non-clogging conveying surface that allows difficult-to-convey materials to become easy-to-convey.
Learn MoreBelt conveyors are ideal for conveying bulk materials of large lump size since the bulk materials stay stationary on the belt.
Learn MoreKWS designs and manufactures a wide variety of bucket elevators based on the characteristics of the bulk material and the process requirements.
Learn MoreThe compact design allows for the vertical screw conveyor to fit into almost any plant layout. With a minimum number of moving parts, the vertical screw conveyor is a cost-effective and dependable component of any bulk material handling process.
Learn MoreScrew feeders and live bottoms are one of the most accurate and efficient methods of metering bulk materials. With our extensive knowledge and experience, KWS will provide a system to meet all of your requirements.
Learn MoreDrag conveyors are a great complement to screw conveyors and belt conveyors and a requirement of many bulk material handling applications. Drag conveyors can be used to meter or transfer bulk materials from one process to another.
Learn MoreDuring the processing of many bulk materials, there is a requirement to cool, heat, or maintain a specific product temperature while conveying the product. Heat Transfer Screw Processors are the perfect solution for these applications.
Learn MoreKWS designs and manufactures ASME Pressure Vessels to meet the needs of many industries, such as Chemical, Minerals Processing, Food, Power and Wastewater Treatment.
Learn MoreKWS Slide Gates are custom designed for your application based on proven design standards. Bulk materials ranging from free-flowing cement to sluggish dewatered biosolids can be controlled using KWS Slide Gates.
Learn MoreKWS designs and manufactures hoppers, bins and silos for every market including the wastewater treatment, cement, chemical, mining and aggregate industries for storing many bulk materials.
Learn MoreKWS is featured on Fox Business Network and PBS as part of the series “Viewpoint with Dennis Quaid”. The show highlights the exceptional products and services provided by KWS and the employees that make KWS great.
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