Shaftless Loadout Conveyor to Convey Dewatered Biosolids for City of Live Oak, CA
City of Live Oak Department of Public Works
Live Oak, CA
Live Oak WWTP
Live Oak, CA
General Description
The City of Live Oak is in northern Sutter County, California and has a population of approximately 8,500 residents. Live Oak residents enjoy being close to the Feather and Sacramento Rivers. The Live Oak Wastewater Treatment Plant (WWTP) has the capacity to discharge up to 1.4 million gallons per day (MGD) of secondary-level treated effluent to Reclamation District 777 Lateral Drain No. 1, a tributary to Sutter Bypass via Wadsworth Canal.
As part of a plant upgrade, an additional screw press was needed for sludge dewatering along with a new shaftless screw conveyor to load the biosolids to dumpsters. KWS supplied a simple and reliable aftermarket solution so the plant could get their improved process up and running quickly.

Complete Dewatering and Loadout System is Simple and Compact
Design Parameters
- Product Type: Dewatered Biosolids
- Material Density: 45-64 Lbs. per Cubic Foot
- Max Capacity: 134 Cubic Feet per Hour
- Duty: 5 days a week, 8 Hours per Day
KWS Advantages
The City purchased the screw press and needed a method to loadout dewatered biosolids to dumpsters. The local KWS Environmental manufacturer’s rep identified the solution for the plant. KWS has a huge network of qualified representatives to educate customers on solutions. The KWS team worked with the plant to define the layout and ensure the interface to the press was designed properly. KWS provided the engineering design and saved time and money for the plant since no outside engineering services were needed. The new screw conveyor shipped ahead of schedule and fit up perfectly in the field. A qualified representative performed startup and training.
Special Features
KWS chose a shaftless screw conveyor to convey the sticky, wet biosolids. All exterior components of the conveyor were constructed from 304 stainless steel to resist corrosion. KWS provided a custom inlet chute to interface to the screw press. The drive unit starts the conveyor even when completely full.
A zero speed switch shuts down the conveyor when loss of rotation is detected, and a signal is sent to a control panel to alert the operator of a malfunction. KWS also provided an emergency stop switch to shut down the conveyor if an adverse running condition is noticed.
"The equipment shipped on time and the installation went efficiently."
Ron Walker, Public Works Director – City of Live Oak
Screw Press Discharges Biosolids to Inclined Loadout Conveyor
Special Inlet Transition Mates Perfectly to Discharge of Screw Press
Screw Conveyor Discharges Dewatered Biosolids to Dumpsters
Zero Speed Switch Detects Screw Rotation and Provides Signal to Control Panel when Loss of Rotation is Detected