Live Bottom Screw Feeders for Metering Dried Biosolids
General Description
With an ever-growing world population, the need to reduce biosolids waste is a huge concern. Untreated biosolids waste increases the chance of diseases as the waste can contaminate water and food sources. Regions of the world without the ability to treat wastewater are the focus of the challenge. Treating and converting biosolids waste into useful resources is a challenge that the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation is determined to solve.
Sedron Technologies developed a decentralized waste treatment system using a Janicki Omni Processor that kills pathogens while recovering valuable resources from biosolids and other waste streams. The Omni Processor processes waste without piped water, sewer or electrical connections and can transform waste into useful resources such as energy and water. The process starts with biosolids being fed to a dryer where moisture is removed. The dried solid waste is then burned to produce heat in a boiler to generate steam and power a turbine generator to produce electricity. The electricity powers the processor with excess electricity sold back to the power grid.
KWS Twin Screw Feeder Meters Dried Biosolids to Combustion Chamber and Generates Electricity
Design Parameters
- Product Type: Dried Biosolids
- Material Density: 50 Lbs. per Cubic Foot
- Capacity: 130 Cubic Feet per Hour
- Duty: 24 hours per Day, 7 Days per Week
KWS Advantages
KWS has over 1,000 installations at wastewater treatment facilities in various stages of the treatment process. Sedron Technologies needed live bottom screw feeders to meter dried biosolids from storage hoppers to the combustion chamber for burning. Engineers from Sedron Technologies and KWS exchanged 3D CAD models of the design concept, providing real-time solutions that fit seamlessly into the process.
Special Features
KWS designed and manufactured the live bottom screw feeders using 316 stainless steel to eliminate corrosion issues due to the process and location of the equipment near the ocean. The feeders were equipped with variable pitch screws to draw the material evenly from the hoppers. Ribbon flighting was used to eliminate the material from sticking to the screws and potentially forming a plug. A center divider was located in between the twin screws to help reduce bulk material degradation. Sedron Technologies wanted to reduce the generation of fines so the biosolids would burn at a controlled rate. Adjustable flanged gland seals kept the dried biosolids from leaking out of the process. Each screw was driven by a high-torque right angle gear reducer to accurately meter the material into the combustion chamber for burning.
For more information about Sedron Technologies and the Janicki Omni Processor, watch the Netflix documentary “Inside Bill’s Brain: Decoding Bill Gates” or go to YouTube for various videos on the Janicki Omni Processor.
"I appreciate not only the quick delivery on the equipment, but also the quick engineered solution as we were able to continue working on other aspects of the equipment without delays."
Brian Novack, Mechanical Engineer – Sedron Technologies
Variable Pitch Ribbon Screws Provide Even Draw from Hopper
Center Divider Reduces Bulk Material Degradation
Flanged Gland Seals Eliminate Bulk Material Leakage
High-Torque Drive Units Accurately Meter Dried Biosolids to Combustion Chamber