Screw Rebuild Using Resistant Materials
Screw Rebuild Using Ultra Abrasion Resistant Materials Increases Lifespan by 150%

A hazardous waste disposal company uses specially designed screws to force feed liquid waste into an incinerator. The liquid waste is delivered to the facility in metal drums. The screws are designed to crush and shred the metal drums as the liquid waste is incinerated. The screws are subjected to extreme temperature and abrasion as well as chemical corrosion.
Working very closely with our customer, KWS rebuilds the screws using ultra abrasion resistant materials. The repair procedure requires accurate control of the welding and hardsurfacing processes. Complete weld inspection and non-destructive testing are required before the repaired screws can be returned to the customer.
KWS has increased the life of the screws by 150-percent compared to the original design.