KWS Manufacturing

Solids Load Out System for Elyria WWTP Elyria, OH

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End User or Owner

The City of Elyria
Elyria, Ohio

Consulting Engineer

Burgess and Niple
Painesville, Ohio


North Bay Construction
Westlake, Ohio

Plant Name and Location

City of Elyria, Ohio
Water Treament Plant

General Description

The city of Elyria is a part of the Greater Cleveland Metro area, which is home to over 54,000 residents. Founded in 1817, the city has grown from a small town into a modern suburban city, with major manufacturing and industry. The Elyria water treatment plant provides more than 22,000,000 gallons of drinking water daily to the city of Elyria, Lorain County and surrounding cities.

The Elyria Wastewater Treatment Plant pulls water directly from Lake Erie. The fresh water then must be treated to be made safe for drinking. The treatment process removes suspended particles and solids from the water by thickening and dewatering. The removed solids are conveyed to dumpsters for transportation. As the population continues to grow in Elyria and the surrounding area, upgrades to the plant were needed. KWS provided the multi-dumpster solids load out system. KWS worked closely with other original equipment manufacturers, the Contractor and Engineer to coordinate equipment layout and ensure project success.

Design Parameters

  1. Product Type – Dewatered Biosolids
  2. Material Density – 70-80 Lbs. per Cubic Foot
  3. Capacity – 55 Cubic Feet per Hour
  4. Duty – 7 Days a Week, 24 Hours per Day
Solids Load Out System for Elyria WWTP in Elyria, OH - KWS

Transition from Horizontal to Pivoting
Load Out Screw Conveyor

KWS Advantages

KWS Environmental designed, manufactured and commissioned a load out system complete with controls that integrated horizontal, vertical and swiveling shaftless screw conveyors to effectively load multiple dumpsters. The KWS system was designed to fit in the limited space allowed by the dewatering building while effectively loading two large roll-off containers. The combination of conveyance technologies has been one of the strengths of KWS Environmental. The swiveling load-out screw conveyor has been developed and perfected by KWS Environmental and has been used in many applications where space is limited.

Solids Load Out System for Elyria WWTP in Elyria, OH - KWS

Transition from Vertical Back to
Horizontal Screw Conveyor

Special Features

The self-supporting pivoting load out conveyor is an efficient means to evenly load multiple bins with the minimum amount of control features. The pivoting load out conveyor is fed by an S path shaftless screw conveyor system that fully contains the material from inlet to discharge. The overall design of the load out system is simple and compact with the fewest number of components that need maintenance or replacement. The integrated control panel for the loadout system requires minimal operator attention. The load out system includes safety stop switches on each conveyor, zero speed alarms, and control logic for the conveyors. The KWS control panel is integrated with the plant SCADA system.


"KWS Environmental has been a pleasure to work with on this project. They have been involved every step of the way to ensure that no detail was missed."

Carl M. Seifried, Senior Project Manager – Burgess & Niple

Solids Load Out System for Elyria WWTP in Elyria, OH - KWS

KWS Load Out System is Very Compact

Solids Load Out System for Elyria WWTP in Elyria, OH - KWS

Transition from Horizontal to Vertical Screw Conveyor

Solids Load Out System for Elyria WWTP in Elyria, OH - KWS

Screw Conveyor Control Panel Interfaces with Main System Control Panel

Solids Load Out System for Elyria WWTP in Elyria, OH - KWS

KWS Vertical Screw Conveyor Elevates Solids

Biosolids / Sludge

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