KWS Manufacturing

KWS Manufacturing Co., Ltd. Receives ISO 9001-2015 Recertification

KWS, the largest screw conveyor manufacturer in North America, has received recertification to ISO 9001-2015 standards. The third-party audit by DAS Certification included all phases of operations at KWS, including sales, engineering, and manufacturing.

Bill Mecke, P.E., President of KWS, states “Providing the highest quality equipment and service to our customers is our culture. KWS has been ISO certified for over 17 years now and recertification to ISO 9001-2015 is a source of pride for our employees. We are committed to total customer satisfaction and making progress every day through our continuous improvement program.”

KWS is also certified to design and manufacture process equipment in accordance with the ASME Boiler and Pressure Code as well as repair pressure vessels and process equipment in accordance with the National Board of Boiler and Pressure Vessel Inspectors (NBIC).  KWS is the only conveyor manufacturer in the world with ISO, ASME and NBIC certifications.

KWS also provides process equipment, such as thermal processors, continuous and batch mixers, and classifiers.  Many projects include complete system design with hoppers, structural supports, and controls as part of an engineered solution. 

For more information, please call KWS at 800-543-6558 or visit

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