KWS Manufacturing

KWS Bronze Hanger Bearings

Bronze has been used as a bearing material for over 5,000 years. An alloy of copper and tin, bronze is self-lubricating, corrosion resistant, and very tough. KWS stocks both style 216 and 226 hanger bearings from bronze material. 

KWS bronze hanger bearings operate in high temperature applications up to 850-degrees F. The radial load capacity of bronze is much greater than engineered plastic or Gatke hanger bearings.

Bronze Has Been Used as a Bearing Material for Over 5,000 Years

Bronze Has Been Used as a Bearing Material for Over 5,000 Years


Wear Resistance – Designed for high-load and heavy-duty applications

Wide Temperature Range – Operating temperatures up to 850-degrees F

Corrosion Resistance – Ideal for caustic environments


Reduced Maintenance Costs – Good wear resistance contributes to longer bearing life

Variety of Applications – Used for conveying many different bulk materials from Alumina to Zinc Concentrate

Increased Productivity – Bronze is inert to most corrosive bulk materials, eliminating downtime and improving profitability

Bronze hanger bearings are ideal for screw conveyor applications involving heavy loads and speeds up to 150-rpm. Moderate to extremely abrasive bulk materials such as alumina, salt, and sand with bulk densities up to 100-lbs. per cubic foot are perfect applications for the use of bronze hanger bearings. Bronze hanger bearings are drilled and tapped for external lubrication, if required. Please refer to the KWS Screw Conveyor Engineering Guide for more information.

Bronze is Self-Lubricating, Corrosion Resistant, and Very Tough

Bronze is Self-Lubricating, Corrosion Resistant, and Very Tough

Bronze Hanger Bearings are Ideal for Heavy Loads and Speeds Up to 150-rpm

Bronze Hanger Bearings are Ideal for Heavy Loads and Speeds Up to 150-rpm

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